Dr. Vincenzo Pirruccio

Dr. Vincenzo Pirruccio is a dedicated Teaching Fellow in the Organisational Psychiatry and Psychology MSc at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN), King’s College London. He earned his degrees in Psychology (BSc) and Cognitive Psychology (MSc) from “Sapienza” University of Rome, followed by a PhD in Psychology and Cognitive Science, jointly conducted with the Research Centre for Mind, Brain and Behaviour in Granada, Spain. His academic focus centres on comprehending how the human mind operates.

With a profound interest in the interplay between Psychosis and Cognition, Dr. Vincenzo Pirruccio's pursuits focus on unravelling the complexities underlying attentional processes in individuals experiencing Psychosis. He investigates the cognitive mechanisms influencing attention, with the goal of connecting psychological theories to practical applications in clinical and other relevant settings.

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Email: vincenzo.pirruccio@kcl.ac.uk

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