Dr Jerry (Che-Wei) Hsu

My name is Che-Wei Hsu. People know me as Jerry. I was born in Taiwan; grew-up in New Zealand. Prior to my interest in psychology, I trained as a computer scientist and worked as a web developer. However, I progressively made a career shift from working as a web developer to working as a primary teacher. While I was teaching, I started pursing a research career with a focus on the intersection between technology and people. I did not let my computer training go to waste! My journey started in Taiwan with exploring ways to improve eyewitness testimony in children with autism using avatar interviewers. I continued my research at the University of Otago (UO) and trained as a clinical psychologist. Presently, I am working remotely with King's College London as a postdoctoral research associate exploring the use on a mobile phone App treatment for people who experience paranoia.

Project: STOP: Successful Treatment of Paranoia

Email: chewei.hsu@kcl.ac.uk

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